Screening of ‘From Dark to Light’ with Q&A

What a wonderful, inspiring evening…

As ever, talking to people about my work – as well as showing it – was a huge inspiration for me, quashing any doubts I may have been harbouring about why I do what I do. To see that many people there, all so genuinely interested was, quite frankly, incredible.

Maureen O'Hara Cinema at Embassy Gardens, Vauxhaull. Personal I-Phone image by Toby Deveson. November 2016The venue – Embassy Gardens in Vauxhall – was kindly provided by The Ballymore Group, and looked absolutely stunning, especially with the finishing touches provided by the ever professional and perfectionist Katrina Aleksa and her team at Predella House. They outdid themselves both on the night and during the conception, creation and organisation of this fantastic event.

Inside, the Maureen O’Hara Cinema was beautiful. The lush, red door leading into a luxurious room of deep sensual purples and reds on the seats, cushions and walls. The only way to improve such a venue was to see it slowly fill up. And that is exactly what happened as the screening drew closer. It was, for me, an amazing moment.

Maureen O'Hara Cinema at Embassy Gardens, Vauxhaull. Personal I-Phone image by Toby Deveson. November 2016To then view ‘From Dark to Light‘, Jim‘s documentary, projected onto the big screen – with him there to see it – was truly humbling. Such an honour and inspiration.

It really is a beautifully filmed and edited piece of work. I am so proud to have contributed to it. If you haven’t already seen it, please do so.

The climax of the evening for me, though, was the Q&A with Alex Pirinoli. He was highly recommended by Katrina, which was good enough for me. A week or so before the event he contacted me to ask a few basic questions about my work…unfortunately for him, I am usually incapable of succinctness, so to save time I sent him a long list of links to pieces of writing by me as well as by others.

Maureen O'Hara Cinema at Embassy Gardens, Vauxhaull. Photo by Venetia Norris. November 2016On the night, an hour or so before people started to arrive we sat down and went through some of the questions he had prepared. I don’t think I have even spoken to anyone with such an in depth knowledge about my work…his research had been meticulous. It like felt he knew more about my work than I did.

He probably did.

I could have spoken to him, answering his questions and responding to his gentle, professional nudges for hours. For all I know, that is exactly how long we spoke.

I loved it.

And from there – well my memory is a blur. There was wine, networking, smiling and thanking people. Everyone from Predella tolerated me as I tried to help while they packed away…as my mind slowly turned to all the work I still had to do, ready for the upcoming exhibition at Signet Contemporary Art.

So, finally and most importantly, I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to all who were involved:

Jim Shannon for filming, writing and directing such a wonderful documentary and of course allowing us to screen it.

The Ballymore Group for allowing us to use such an amazing venue and for providing the food and drink.

Alex Pirinoli for holding my hand, doing such meticulous, in depth research and making me sound like i know what I am talking about.

And of course Katrina Aleksa and her team – especially Alina Gunina – for all the organisation, invitations, finishing touches to the venue, and of course for making my work shine so wonderfully.

Related Images

Maureen O'Hara Cinema at Embassy Gardens, Vauxhaull. Personal I-Phone image by Toby Deveson. November 2016

Maureen O'Hara Cinema at Embassy Gardens, Vauxhaull. Personal I-Phone image by Toby Deveson. November 2016

Maureen O'Hara Cinema at Embassy Gardens, Vauxhaull. Personal I-Phone image by Toby Deveson. November 2016

Maureen O'Hara Cinema at Embassy Gardens, Vauxhaull. Photograph by Venetia Norris. November 2016



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