From Dark to Light

A film by Jim Shannon:

I am absolutely thrilled to be able to share this short documentary by Jim Shannon with you.

Back in June, Jim and I spent two days on Dartmoor in Devon. Jim was originally going to film a documentary about our trip through the National Park, while I wanted to take some photographs for my ‘West of the Sun‘ project. A few weeks before we went, however, and Jim’s idea had evolved into the creation of a full blown documentary about my work and working practice. I have never felt comfortable in front of a camera and have spent a lifetime meticulously avoiding being put in that position…eventually though, I had to agree.

I am so pleased I did. It is a wonderfully put together film and I am absolutely delighted with it.

Related Images

Taken whilst filming with Jim Shannon on Dartmoor for the documentary From Dark to Light. Toby Deveson, June 2015. Part of the West of the Sun series

Taken whilst filming with Jim Shannon on Dartmoor for the documentary From Dark to Light. Toby Deveson, June 2015. Part of the West of the Sun series

Taken whilst filming with Jim Shannon on Dartmoor for the documentary From Dark to Light. Toby Deveson, June 2015. Part of the West of the Sun series

Taken whilst filming with Jim Shannon on Dartmoor for the documentary From Dark to Light. Toby Deveson, June 2015. Part of the West of the Sun series



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