Arte Fotográfica #81

Front cover of issue 81 of Arte Fotográfica containing a twenty two page spread of images from Toby Deveson's West of the Sun seriesFollowing on from the ten page spread in issue #67 back in 2014, Arte Fotográfica have published a twenty two page spread, including the cover, in order to showcase some of my new images, primarily from Iceland.

The cover in particular looks absolutely fantastic and I couldn’t be happier.

The plan is to continue to work with Jorge, the publisher of Arte Fotográfica, with a view to exhibiting in Lisbon in the near future.

I cannot wait.

Please take a look and should you wish to buy a hard copy, email the publishers here.



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A SOLIGOR F2.5 24MM I do own a 50mm as well as a 135mm, but to be honest