Possible Next Trips


This could be seen as more of a wish list of photographic trips I would like to go on, seeing as I have nothing concrete planned at the moment. And it is potentially an extremely long list, dependent on many external as well as internal factors.

My priority at the moment is to finish my book, West of the Sun, and as such the list of places I would like to go to is very much tailored to that.

Next down on the list of governing factors is finances. As I will write in another post, I am in the process of applying for a grant to help me finish the book. If this is successful there will be no stopping me, as finishing the book will involve lots of travel and photographic trips.

And finally I may have an exhibition in Milan in the autumn, sponsorship and general finances permitting. This would rob me of any spare time I may have been able to use for a trip in the next six months.

Bearing all these factors in mind though, there are three trips that should be quick (between a week and ten days long), productive and relatively cheap nestled neatly in the back of my mind:

Iceland – An immense and beautiful country as far as landscapes go and absolutely perfect for me. It is an island, so it is self contained and access is just the right combination of roads and hiking. There is a huge variety of locations, from waterfalls to glaciers to lakes and with the occasional volcano thrown in too…I cannot wait to go and even if money were no object Iceland would still be on top of my list.

Morocco – Another country of huge variety and beauty, from the spectacular Atlas Mountains to the Sahara desert. Compared to Iceland it should be reasonably cheap too. One of the ways I like to travel, both to stay close to the landscapes and to save money, is to hire a car and sleep in it. Unlike other North African countries I’d love to visit (primarily Libya and Algeria) this should be perfectly possible in Morocco.

Germany, Poland, Slovakia & Austria – An epic road trip similar to my Scandinavian one, driving and walking all day and aiming for as big a variety of landscapes and national parks as possible. No planned route, just following my nose, starting wherever I can get a cheap flight to in Germany and heading through the north of Poland, down the eastern border, into Slovakia and then possibly into Hungary or the Czech Republic, Austria and back up into Germany.

In the mean time I’ll sit at my desk and finish filling in the Arts Council Application form and when I get bored of that I will head back to the darkroom…



It was as simple as ‘get to the top of Finland and turn left’.  At least that is

Blink and you’ll miss it

Iceland. Never has the essence of a country so closely resembled the way in which I see the

Under the Stars in Madagascar

There are times when writing about memories from as far back as my eighteenth year feels wrong. How


The Rooftop Collective exhibition edition VI Tempus Fugit. So they say. Here we are again, another Rooftop Collective


The shitting fields

India 21-04-11: Driving towards Delhi from Mathura, early in the morning as the sun came up, mist rising,

There were stars in the sea

There is something magical about being in the zone. When you have a camera in your hand and

Lewes bonfire night

There are times when you are just not in control of your body. And for me, Lewes bonfire

Marjoram and Fireflies

At the end of a long day driving, walking and taking photographs around the north western mountains in

Randomly Selected

Trailer for the crowdfunding campaign

I absolutely adore this little film by Jim. I asked him to put something together with existing footage

Luck led to Normandy – by Barbara Wace

Written by Barbara in April 1995: When the Allied invasion became a certainty and the only question was

Eternal Gratitude and Many Pints Owed



It was as simple as ‘get to the top of Finland and turn left’.  At least that is