Trailer for the crowdfunding campaign

I absolutely adore this little film by Jim.

I asked him to put something together with existing footage that could be used as a trailer and tease for the crowdfunding campaign for my exhibition at Signet Contemporary Art.

The attention to detail is astonishing, and I love the rhythm of the edit (and music) – the seemingly random flashes that, knowing Jim were meticulously placed, work so well…I could not have asked for more.

The only thing I am unhappy about is that, as an advert for West of the Sun, it has a finite shelf life. I think we may change the text at some point in the future so it can work as a generic, universal teaser for my work.

To date it has been viewed over thirteen thousand times…



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It was as simple as ‘get to the top of Finland and turn left’.  At least that is

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