To the West of the Sun

“But what is there, west of the sun?” I asked.
She shook her head again. “I don’t know. Maybe nothing. Or maybe something.”

These two lines from Haruki Murakami‘s 1992 novel, South of the Border, West of the Sun, gave birth to a concept that has come to represent my photography and the way in which I work.

In ‘West of the Sun’, I had found a perfect description of the state of mind into which I enter, the zone within which I work. As if forever seeking that perfect image – chasing my tail whilst striving to reach that mystical land beyond the horizon, over the rainbow and to the West of the Sun.

Thanks to Murakami I now have the glue that holds my landscapes together. The umbrella under which my work can live as I document my journey towards that elusive world, to the West of the Sun.

Related Links & Images

Link to the documentary From Dark to Light by Jim Shannon, June 2015.

The Dyngjufjöll Mountains, Iceland by Toby Deveson. August 2015

Chanctonbury Ring, Sussex, England by Toby Deveson. April 1997

Ceiriog Valley, Wales by Toby Deveson. December 2002

Lepang, Bali, Indonesia by Toby Deveson. May 2008



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