Skills, Smells and Spells: Pre-exisiting text

Scattered amongst the photographs at the exhibition were vignettes, bits of writing and musings on the way I work and what photography means to me.

They were not crucial to the photographs and the viewer lost nothing by not reading them. They did however provide a background and more crucially helped set the pace and rhythm of the exhibition. They helped slow you down and draw you into my world.

Some, like the Welcome text and The Photographic Print were written especially, but most already existed. They can be found here, on the writing page, nestled amongst similar pieces. Below are links taking you directly to them:

Five minute windows
Marjoram and fireflies
They are no longer alive
Stereotypical rivers
Photography and smells
Parading through a warzone

Images of Skills, Smells and Spells at The Strand Gallery. PV images by Jim Shannon

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012. Photograph by Jim Shannon.

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012. Photograph by Jim Shannon.

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012. Photograph by Jim Shannon.

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012. Photograph by Jim Shannon.

Skills, Smells and Spells  by Toby Deveson at The Strand Gallery in London, May and June 2012. Photograph by Jim Shannon.



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