West of the Sun: Exhibition in Cambridge

The Michaelhouse Centre, Cambridge:

Last week I popped up to Cambridge to have another look at the gallery and coffee shop at The Michaelhouse Centre where I will be exhibiting ‘West of the Sun’ during September and October. I wanted to have a final check of the venue to give me an idea of how many (and which) images I’ll be showing .

To quote their website:

The Michaelhouse Centre, situated in St Michael’s Church, opened in 2002 as a unique community resource in the heart of Cambridge.

It is a place of beauty and tranquility offering affordable meeting space for groups in an accessible venue. The centre comprises a modern and well-equipped Café, meeting rooms for hire, display/exhibition space, performance space and the medieval Hervey de Stanton Chapel, set aside for meditation and prayer.

It is indeed a wonderfully atmospheric and bustling space with over 2000 visitors a week – West of the Sun will look fantastic and I cannot wait to hang it next week. If you are in the area, please pop in – if not, I will be posting photos soon.

The exhibition will be up from Monday the 22nd of September to Saturday the 18th of October 2014.
The Café is open between 8am and 5pm Monday to Saturday.



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