The Red Light District: Blog 2nd June 2014

West of the Sun – an exciting week ahead:

Life is all about stretching those comfort zones. And so, at the beginning of a week during which I will be doing so twice, it seemed like a good time to bring you up to date with the exhibition at Silverprint.

The show went up with no problems at all…just the usual “still placing text and labels as the first guests arrive for the opening” stresses. To be expected.

The opening was fantastic – great to catch up with friends and get some wonderful feedback. Even better to take a step back and relax. It looks fantastic and the space is wonderful.

So, to this week.

On Tuesday the 3rd of June I will be speaking at the London Alternative Photography Collective June meeting at Doomed Gallery in Dalston. I was approached after my PV by Melanie Kathryn King and asked to do a talk. My heart sank in fear as I said yes, but Melanie has been incredibly helpful and flexible…my so called talk will now take the format of a Q&A session…thankfully. Fraser Miles, the curator at the Silverprint Gallery will be asking the questions. This is the first time I will have done something like this and, despite my fear of speaking in public, I am extremely excited about it. Fraser and I have been through the questions and once again I bow down to someone with an incredible knowledge and understanding of photography. I will be trying my best not to look like a fraud…

On Friday 6th of June, Be Smart About Art (of which I am a member) will be holding their monthly BSAFF networking event at the gallery. This has being organised between myself, Silverprint and BSAA and will come under the umbrella of the finissage of the show (though, in other news it has been extended to the 20th of June), another Q&A with me (hosted by BSAA founder Susan Mumford) and one of Silverprint’s many, well respected events. The event is free and places can be reserved/booked at Eventbrite here.

In the mean time I will also be finishing off the new shop pages on my site, adding work to Etsy and Artfinder, sending off for samples of Giclée prints to sell as posters, updating my website and continuing the search for bespoke boxes in which to sell selections of postcards.

Watch this space and hopefully see you at the London Alternative Photography Collective on Tuesday or at Silverprint for BSAA.



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