Interview with Amateur Photographer Magazine

Feature in Saturday 9 June 2012 issue:

There’s no denying it.

You can pretend it’s not important, you can try to play down its influence but an ego does need feeding occasionally.

Reading a copy of Amateur Photograpehr magazine. June 2012.And thanks to Amateur Photographer and Gemma Padley, mine has been well and truly looked after with a four page spread.

I was contacted by Oliver Atwell expressing an interest on behalf of Gemma and the magazine back in April. A month later I was on the phone with Gemma, chatting away for what seemed like five minutes but was probably hours. It was a relaxed, easy and enjoyable interview which led to an equally enjoyable feature.

So, with a happy, pandered to ego and with the exhibition an almost distant memory I wanted to thank Amateur Photographer magazine, Olly and of course Gemma. They have given me something concrete and real to hold on to while last month disappears into a haze of snatched moments and vivid memories.

You can view the PDF here.



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