Equipment and Materials used – A Nikkormat Camera

A Nikkormat

I was given a Nikkormat body and a couple of lenses including a 50mm for, I think, my 18th birthday by my parents and I have not really used anything else since. I am on my 5th or 6th body now and tend to get through one every 3 or 4 years on average. I love the strength of it and the feeling of holding a heavy, well made camera that I know will not break if I drop it. And if something does break it can be repaired or replaced for about £100. For all these reasons it is an ideal first camera for anyone wanting to learn the craft of film photography

I also love the fact that the controls for the shutter speed are located below the lens fitting, rather than next to the shutter release as with most other manual cameras from the same era.


Faulty light meters and slipping winding on gears and mechanisms

If it looks like the light meter is jumpy or not working ask the shop to fit a new battery just in case.

Open the back and check all the cogs and mechanisms turn when you use the winding on lever. It is worth applying a bit of pressure on them with your fingers as you do this.

I have never had anything other than these two things go wrong with my bodies – and I tend to abuse them.

Update – September 2017

In December 2016 Anatomy Films, a website dedicated to analogue photography wrote an article about my work, which in turn led to an article about the Nikkormat. Take a look, as it is extremely informative.



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