Child’s i Foundation

Working on Big Brother, even on a freelance basis as I have done since it started, you meet and come across a huge variety of people. The production runs for months at a time and people work on it twenty four hours a day, passing each other like ships in the night. Sometimes you spend long hours with people and they become life long friends and sometimes they remain nothing more than familiar faces regardless of how much you may have in common with them.

One such person is Lucy Buck. She used to work as a producer for Endemol on Big Brother and is friends with many of my good friends from the programme, though somehow I don’t think we ever spent any time together. And now her name keeps cropping up and I find myself wishing I had been more sociable and hadn’t kept myself to myself so much. It would seem that we would have had many things to talk about and my work and experiences in Romania, both photographic and personal, would have been a good place to start.

Lucy left her job a few years ago and has since gone on to become the founder of the Child’s i Foundation, a wonderful charity based in Uganda. Their aim is to help tackle the endemic problem of child abandonment in Kampala. In a few short years she has successfully managed to start a Home with full medical and educational facilities. They run a programme that helps mothers at risk of abandoning their babies, giving the support, care, refuge and shelter they need to cope. The Home works as a short term transitional house providing life saving care to mothers with young babies. On top of this the Child’s i Foundation also runs a family placement programme, ensuring every abandoned child in their care has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family.

Please help them in anyway you can and visit their website or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or YouTube where you will find continuous updates – written, photographic and video. Thank you.



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