The 2010 Ryder Cup at Celtic Manor

The Ryder Cup held at Celtic Manor, Wales in 2010


Toby has been a regular cameraman on the European tour circuit since 2007, covering numerous golf tournaments throughout the year. He also works on the Ryder Cup, British Open, the Solheim Cup, and the Latin American Amateur Championship.



It was as simple as ‘get to the top of Finland and turn left’.  At least that is

Blink and you’ll miss it

Iceland. Never has the essence of a country so closely resembled the way in which I see the

Under the Stars in Madagascar

There are times when writing about memories from as far back as my eighteenth year feels wrong. How


The Rooftop Collective exhibition edition VI Tempus Fugit. So they say. Here we are again, another Rooftop Collective


Under the Stars in Madagascar

There are times when writing about memories from as far back as my eighteenth year feels wrong. How

Knee Deep in Prayer

I stood knee deep in the water and prayed. Prayed. If ever a word had connotations, it’s ‘prayed’.

They are no longer alive

Photography can mean so many different things to different people. One of the most poignant and common thoughts

Blizzards in the Lake District

January 2010. New Years resolutions and a new found determination to drown myself in my photography again turned

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Parading through a warzone

India 19-03-11: “You cannot go down there.” And who was I to argue with two uniformed policemen? This

The Papal visit to London – September 2010

Pope Benedict XVI visits London amidst rallies of protest and support: Whatever your beliefs or your faith, the

Skills, Smells and Spells: Press

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Failed trips or the art of flexibility

Failure can be a strong word. It’s no big deal, and not something I am particularly hung up