Ansel Adams at the National Maritime Museum

This is for those of you who have not been to see Ansel Adams: Photography from the Mountains to the Sea at the National Maritime Museum…


Quite apart from the fact that Greenwich is a wonderful place to hang out in for a couple of hours, the National Maritime Museum is also a stunning spot to while away the time…and the exhibition itself is beautifully curated.

Those of you who know me will know that I have my reservations about Ansel Adams, but I have never disputed his skills as a photographer or in the darkroom. The prints are stunning and more than that, I had never seen over half of the images. Some of them were real gems.

There was also the obligatory video interview running which was absorbing and highly interesting and the exhibition is littered with quotes and bits of text which all contributed hugely to the experience.

The exhibition is up until the 28th of April and the ticket prices are incredibly reasonable.

I cannot stress it enough: It really is worth the trip out to Greenwich.



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