

It was as simple as ‘get to the top of Finland and turn left’.  At least that is

Blink and you’ll miss it

Iceland. Never has the essence of a country so closely resembled the way in which I see the

Under the Stars in Madagascar

There are times when writing about memories from as far back as my eighteenth year feels wrong. How


The Rooftop Collective exhibition edition VI Tempus Fugit. So they say. Here we are again, another Rooftop Collective


Revolution in the air

Three years at art college would not be complete without some politics, squatting and clashes with the police.

There were stars in the sea

There is something magical about being in the zone. When you have a camera in your hand and

Bridge over the River Yamuna

India 20-03-11: We crossed a bridge. It was a railway bridge, with a small walkway to the side

Where have all the cats gone

India 19-03-11: It was just a sensation at first, a feeling that something was missing, something you couldn’t

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The Red Light District: A Blog On Celebration, Not Resentment

Note to Self: As my exhibition in May fast approaches and I find myself writing copy for grant

Blizzards in the Lake District

January 2010. New Years resolutions and a new found determination to drown myself in my photography again turned

The Red Light District: Digital vs Analogue

More musings: A camera is but a tool. A means to an end. The photographer is the artist,

Barbara Wace: Family friend and inspiration

Travel writer, journalist and photographer: Barbara always looked old to me. She was old in my first memories