

It was as simple as ‘get to the top of Finland and turn left’.  At least that is

Blink and you’ll miss it

Iceland. Never has the essence of a country so closely resembled the way in which I see the

Under the Stars in Madagascar

There are times when writing about memories from as far back as my eighteenth year feels wrong. How


The Rooftop Collective exhibition edition VI Tempus Fugit. So they say. Here we are again, another Rooftop Collective


Putting Your Foot In It

Some things in life are constant. As babies we grow into childhood, dependant on certain things not changing.

The shitting fields

India 21-04-11: Driving towards Delhi from Mathura, early in the morning as the sun came up, mist rising,

Alter Egos in the Dunes

I have often wondered what it was in particular that attracted me to photography. What it was that

Dancers in the mist

Step after step we climb the steep mountain path, focusing, meditating, concentrating. The rain dripping through the trees

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The National Portrait Gallery: Irving Penn

Irving Penn: Portraits at The National Portrait Gallery until the 6TH of February 2010: I went to see

Koudelka – Shooting Holy Land

Hot off the heels of seeing Don McCullin came the opportunity to see Josef Koudelka, perhaps my biggest

In Collaboration with Annamarie Dzendrowskyj

As a photographer it pains me to say it but in a direct comparison to painting, photography will

Interview with Amateur Photographer Magazine

Feature in Saturday 9 June 2012 issue: There’s no denying it. You can pretend it’s not important, you