

It was as simple as ‘get to the top of Finland and turn left’.  At least that is

Blink and you’ll miss it

Iceland. Never has the essence of a country so closely resembled the way in which I see the

Under the Stars in Madagascar

There are times when writing about memories from as far back as my eighteenth year feels wrong. How


The Rooftop Collective exhibition edition VI Tempus Fugit. So they say. Here we are again, another Rooftop Collective


The shitting fields

India 21-04-11: Driving towards Delhi from Mathura, early in the morning as the sun came up, mist rising,

Confiscation in Aden

This was one of those moments when something inside you withers away and dies. I was only just

Five Minute Windows

After driving over 7000km in nine days around Scandinavia it was the morning of my last day. I

Under the Stars in Madagascar

There are times when writing about memories from as far back as my eighteenth year feels wrong. How

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Magpies by Sara Lando

Sheer Genius and absolute beauty: Sometimes you meet someone who you just click with. Someone who you feel

Marjoram and Fireflies

At the end of a long day driving, walking and taking photographs around the north western mountains in

The Rooftop Collective Edition V

It always astonishes me how much influence a curator can have on an exhibition. I effectively curate my

Rambert’s Ghost dance at Saddler’s Wells Theatre

It really is a fault of mine, and something I have been trying to rectify over the years